Knitted UGG Replica Bag
The knitted UGG replica bag is a cozy and stylish accessory that adds a touch of warmth to your outfit! With its soft, knitted material that resembles the popular UGG boots, this bag is not only fashionable but also practical. It offers a spacious interior to carry all your essentials while keeping your belongings secure with its sturdy design. Whether you're running errands or meeting friends for coffee, this knitted UGG replica bag is sure to turn heads and become your new favorite go-to accessory. So why not treat yourself to a trendy and versatile bag that combines style and comfort effortlessly?
Yarn: 3 balls 50g Ice Yarns Merino Acryl, 50% Merino, 50% Acrylic, 3 ply
Needles: US 7 circular (24”), US 3
Stitch marker
A button
Strap of choice
Optional: fabric for lining, zipper
Gauge (US 7): 16 stitches/4” in stockinette stitch
Finished measurement: 9.3” wide x 8” tall
Using 2 strands of yarn, CO 82 sts with circular needles. Mark beginning of round with stitch marker.
ROW 1: *k1, p1, repeat to end
Repeat this row until piece measures 8”.
ROW 1: p2tog, *k1, p1, repeat 18 times, k1, p2tog, k2tog, p1, *k1, p1 to last 2 stitches, k2tog.
ROW 2: k2tog, *p1, k1, repeat 17 times, p1, k2tog, p2tog, k1, *p1, k1 to last 2 stitches, p2tog.
ROW 3: p2tog, *k1, p1, repeat 16 times, k1, p2tog, k2tog, p1, *k1, p1 to last 2 stitches, k2tog.
ROW 4: k2tog, continue *p1, k1, repeat 15 times, binding off throughout the row, p1, k2tog, p2tog, k1 *p1, k1, to last 2 stitches, p2tog, tie off.
With single strand of yarn, CO 33 stitches with US 3 needles. Knit stockinette stitch until piece measures approximately 3.75”, ending with a WS (purl) row.
ROW 1: sl1, k1, psso, knit to last 2 stitches, k2tog. 31 sts.
ROW 2: purl all.
ROW 3: knit all.
ROW 4: purl all.
ROW 5: sl1, k1, psso, knit to last 2 stitches, k2tog. 29 sts.
BO all sts.
Block body of bag to desired size. When finished, turn your best side of the bag inward and sew the bottom edge closed. Turn right side out and sew on front pocket. Top of pocket should naturally curl down. Add button.
Add strap of choice.
Optional: line the bag and add a zipper.